Do Not Sell | Consumer Requests
California residents are entitled to receive details about how Lifetime Brands, Inc. ("Lifetime Brands") collects, uses, and shares personal information. If you are a California Resident and would like Lifetime Brands to supply you with such information, please click the Data Subject Access Request Form link below, complete the form and send to Lifetime Brands as indicated below. The information you supply in this form will only be used for the purposes of identifying the personal information you are requesting and responding to your request.
Please send your completed form to: Lifetime Brands, Inc., Attention: Data Access Requests, 22 Blake Street, Medford, MA 02155, or you may fax the form to: (781) 539-0021. Upon receipt of the completed form by Lifetime Brands, Lifetime Brands will require you to provide us with proof of your identity in accordance with our business practices.